
Back to Basics: Timeless White Blazer (Part V)

How to wear white blazer; black and white; wide leg jeans; white on white; On Laura Whitmore:Paul Joe white blazer, Joie white blouse, J Brand white distressed skinny jeans, Kurt Geiger black pointy toe pumps, Pandora rings,  Stella Dot Gitane Tassel Necklace, Stella Dot Soar Necklace;  On Vogue editors Esther Adams: white blazer, brown saddle crossbody bag, wide leg jeans,striped top,Photos: TV presenter Laura Whitmore & Vogue editor Esther Adams; Courtesy of

Today’s featured item is the most requested one in our “Back to Basics” series: the white blazer. There is no need to say more about how essential it is, so let’s go directly to our “style class”.

As a basic and staple piece, there are countless ways to wear a white blazer (check out related post here & here, you can always search “white blazer” at my home page for more inspirations), today I want to share with you two of my favorites this season:

First one is an all-white look from Laura Whitmore. Head-to-toe white is right on trend now, and I love how she used black accessories to play with the black/white trend as well, resulting a fresh, modern, high-impact ensemble.

Like we shared here, for simple color palette like this, details really matters: her artful layering necklaces add a whimsical & luxe touch, sheer blouse and pointy-toe pumps infuse sexiness, while distressed jeans grounding the polished vibe.

Esther Adams’s retro chic pairing is definitely what I would wear now since the whole fashion world is turning back for inspirations. High-waisted wide-leg jeans teamed with platforms are leg-elongating. Striped top and vintage looking brown crossbody bag enhance the overall retro vibe. Choose a cropped blazer if you are not as tall as Esther Adams.

Both looks are great for women of any age (for 40s and above, change Laura Whitmore’s distressed jeans to a basic white one or straight leg version for a more polished look). Also, for those of you who want to add some cheerful spring color, these are very similar outfits featured on Miranda Kerr & Rosie Huntington-Whiteley for you!

How to wear white blazer; black and white; white on white;   On Laura Whitmore:Paul Joe white blazer, Joie white blouse, J Brand white distressed skinny jeans, Kurt Geiger black pointy toe pumps, Pandora rings,  Stella Dot Gitane Tassel Necklace, Stella Dot Soar Necklace;  Alternative: Rag And Bone White Textured And Quilted Jefferson white Blazer,  Mango MANGOfit sheer white blouse,  Citizens of Humanity Racer Skinny white distressed Jeans,  Enzo Angiolini 'Infiniti' black Pump,  J.Crew Skinny patent belt,

Blazer: Rag & Bone (see it on Rihanna here; also on sale here)
Blouse: Mango (Joie version on Laura Whitmore here)
Jeans: Citizens of Humanity (J Brand version on Laura Whitmore here; similar here)
Shoes: Enzo Angiolini (great style here)
Belt: J.Crew
Necklace: Stella & Dot tassel necklace & soar necklace (yes, they are the ones artfully layered on Laura Whitmore)

How to wear white blazer; wide leg jeans;  On Vogue editor Esther Adams: white blazer, brown saddle crossbody bag, wide leg jeans,striped top, Alternative: Theory 'Lanai' Twill white Jacket,  INTERMIX Bailey 44 EXCLUSIVE Striped Henley top,  MiH Marrakesh Kick Flare Jeans,  Diane Von Furstenberg platform sandal,   Fossil Vintage Revival Flap Portfolio Bag,  Jacquie Aiche Alphabet Letter Initial Waif Ring,

Blazer: Theory (similar here & here)
Top: Intermix (great alternative here & here)
Jeans: MiH (see it on Miranda Kerr here; similar here)
Shoes: Diane Von Furstenberg
Bag: Fossil (on sale here)
Ring: Jacquie Aiche

By Helen Hou

I'm Helen. In the huge fashion world, what attracts me the most is the way different people accessorize themselves. Our daily outfit choices are not just about the pieces we pick, they relate to something lurking deeply within our hearts: how we feel about ourselves, how we express ourselves to the rest of the world, what kind of people do we want to be and what kind of life do we want to live. Following my passion for fashion, I immerse myself in this bizarre world and try my best to share what I learned with you!